Thematic areas / walk and guided tours
Explore the, approximately 9ha large MoringaPark, by yourself, or book a guided tour. Guided tours take place individually on request and should be requested if possible a few days in advance.

A small content of our tours (free):
- Moringa and the Moringa-variousity
- Presentation of quality management and top quality products
- A Green Öko oasis in the middle of the Valley: pure nature with many insects, birds
- Pond landscape and chillout areas
- Subtropical and tropical plants and their fruits (from pineapple to papaya to Zapote)
- Spices and herbs from ancient tradition
- Cultivation techniques and care
- Live Cold seed oil pressure
- Mystical stories from the region
- Historical irrigation systems of the Canary Islands
- Bees / beekeeping
- Seasonal smoothies from own fruits and herbs
- Wine tasting on request (Homebrewed-beer, various feasts (vegetarian paella, etc))
- Aloe and traditional soda manufacturing from Fig-Marigold